
MODUM project approved

The project “Towards the Monitoring of Dumped Munitions Threat” (MODUM) has been approved for financing by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS). This international project will investigate the possibility of using Autonomous and Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (AUV and ROV) for the creation of a monitoring network for the dumpsites of chemical warfare materials in the Baltic Sea. It will cooperate closely with the CHEMSEA project in data and sharing and knowledge transfer.

The project consists of a test phase, during which the best available solutions for the difficult Baltic Sea environment will be selected, a survey phase, during which actual objects of concern will be located and a monitoring phase, which will concentrate on the collection of environmental data close to the objects of concern.


The project will concentrate on three representative areas chosen during the first phase of the project and will provide a solution for expanding such a network to all areas of concern in the Baltic Sea area. Performed monitoring activities will include habitat status evaluation, fish health studies and modeling of possible effects. The project is planned for three years, 2013-2015, with a possible follow up, should additional funds be obtained.


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