
- Lambang Kota Balikpapan Moto: Kubangun, Kujaga dan Kubela[1] Semboyan: Beriman Slogan: Manuntung Dari kiri atas searah jarum jam: Bandar Udara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman, Balikpapan Sport and Conve
- Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN)
- Polish Naval Academy (PNA)
- Military University of Technology (MUT)
- Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
- Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)
- Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (VERIFIN)
- Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
- Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology (TI-FI)
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
- European CBRNE Center
- Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency (LEPA)
- a
- Associated Partners

Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)

The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA), located in Norrköping, is the safe shipping and nautical charting authority responsible for hydrographic surveying and fairway maintenance in Swedish waters as well as technical development in these fields. Their areas of activity include pilotage, fairway service, maritime traffic information, icebreaking, hydrography, maritime and aeronautical search and rescue, and seamen´s service. SMA is a partner of the BSR Programme project EfficienSea.


SMA's participation in CHEMSEA is focused on hydrographic surveys, object detection and bottom classification together with post-processing and analysis of results. They will also provide the project with a research vessel, the Baltica. Since SMA is one of the organisations which can assist in preparation and application of updated guidelines produced by the project, their participation in their development is crucial to meeting the formal standards required by maritime administration in Sweden. SMA will also organise the 2nd project conference in Stockholm.


Key contacts:

Research vessel Baltica SMA Facilities
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