
- Lambang Kota Balikpapan Moto: Kubangun, Kujaga dan Kubela[1] Semboyan: Beriman Slogan: Manuntung Dari kiri atas searah jarum jam: Bandar Udara Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman, Balikpapan Sport and Conve
- Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN)
- Polish Naval Academy (PNA)
- Military University of Technology (MUT)
- Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
- Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)
- Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (VERIFIN)
- Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
- Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology (TI-FI)
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
- European CBRNE Center
- Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency (LEPA)
- a
- Associated Partners

Polish Naval Academy (PNA)

The Polish Naval Academy (PNA) is a military school under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense and a military unit carrying out  missions related to  national  defense. It is also a military scientific institution, based in Gdynia, with expertise in operational oceanography, including underwater operations relating to dumped munitions. 


PNA provides CHEMSEA with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) of its own design, a magnetometer and the skilled operators necessary for successful detection of munitions containing chemical warfare agents. PNA engineers will also upgrade their ROV so that is will be able not only to make pictures, but also to collect samples of contaminated sediments. PNA specialists will also produce maps and GIS representations of areas affected by the dumpsites. Moreover, PNA will design a handbook for fishermen, educational brochures, guidelines with special operating procedures for CWA contaminated areas and guidelines with the updated and unified national CWA contingency plans. PNA will also organise a stakeholder information meeting in Pomorskie, Poland.


Key contacts:

System of electronic charts used for 3D display Remotely operated vessel (ROV)
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